Areas of Interest
The Henry Foundation makes grants to qualified 501(c) (3) non-profit organizations in a wide variety of program areas including social services, education, health, youth programs, recreation, arts and cultural activities for the benefit of the community.
Geographic Focus
With the Henry’s long time involvement in the local community and Midland being the main place of Mr. Henry’s professional life, the couple prefers their funding commitment go to benefit programs and services primarily located in Midland, Texas. Consideration may be given to projects outside the community with emphasis on support for areas where the Henrys have a business or personal connection.
Types of Support
Gifts range in size and may fund capital and special projects (2/3) and operating (program) grants (1/3), but not endowment funds. Collaborative projects shared with other organizations or funders and both multi-year and challenge or matching gifts will be considered for funding by The Henry Foundation.
Other criteria of foundation policy are listed as follows:
- The Foundation does not fund loans or fellowships for individual students.
- The Foundation generally limits its educational grants for institutions of higher education (including religious educational institutions) to those receiving advance approval with the institution’s development office; a cover letter verifying the approval will be required.
- The Foundation does not support taxing entities or political campaigns and lobbying efforts.
- Applicants are encouraged to seek funding for the same proposal from various sources, as sole support of programs is rarely undertaken.
- The Foundation prefers not to support annual campaigns or special events and will not provide emergency funding or support for debt retirement.
- Due to the number of inquiries received each year, the Foundation cannot respond favorably to all requests. Thus, grants are made without any commitment for future support of operations or specific projects unless otherwise specified.